The answer to this question isn’t that straightforward. There are many factors which influence hospital stay after giving birth which include
- Was the delivery Vaginally or via C-section?
- Were there any after birth complications?
After Normal Vaginal Delivery:
If the mother had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, she would likely stay in the hospital for 24 to 48 hours. The healthcare provider would be checking and looking for any irregularities in the newborn baby’s vitals on the first day to make sure no developmental problems arise.
You can talk to the hospital in charge or healthcare provider if you feel you can be discharged 24 hours after delivery. Usually, you or your caregiver should discuss hospital stay before delivery. If you opt for early discharge, please note that you should get the newborn back to the hospital for regular check-up within three days after discharge. A midwife or a doctor should check up the baby. After the initial check-up, you can wait for a week to schedule another visit.
If any complications like blood loss or breathing issues arise during or after delivery, you would not be eligible for early discharge and have to stay in the hospital for 48 hours. Immunity in the newborn baby and mother who recently gave birth will be low; hence both will be closely observed for any infection signs.
Your partner or caregiver can stay with you in the hospital in cases where you should stay in the hospital for 24 or 48 hours. Many hospitals provide a separate cot in the private rooms and other facilities to attend to newborn and the mother. One can also check with the hospital authorities for any other arrangements related to the hospital stay.
If you are considering vaginal birth, Ujala Cygnus, one of the best maternity hospitals in Kanpur can assist you in your journey towards motherhood. We are one of the best hospitals in Kanpur for delivery as we are well equipped with both staff and infrastructure to handle even the most complicated of vaginal births.
After C-section:
Women who didn’t have a complicated C-section will need to stay in the hospital for two to four days, but if the doctors suspect even the slightest of complication, then the new mother will have to stay in the hospital for long.
Caesarean section is a very delicate surgery; hence the health care providers will want to make sure that you can do the following everyday chores with ease:
- Can you walk to the bathroom?
- Can you urinate without a catheter?
- Are you nauseous or Do you throw-up after you eat or drink?
- Are you able to pass gas?
Before giving the newborn baby and mother discharge, the hospital will double-check health vitals to ensure both are well enough to go home.
When There Are Any After Birth Complications:
Suppose in case any complications arise after C-section delivery. In that case, babies are taken care of in the intensive care unit, and due to the timely care, it is possible that the hospital stay isn’t extended after the usual four days. Insurance doesn’t provide extra relief for extended stays, so keep talking to your insurance providers as well.
It will be hard to go home without your baby, but you should rest assured that the NICU unit in the hospital will be taking the best care of your baby. Take rest at home and use a breast pump to express milk out. Use a breast pump as frequently as you would nurse the baby and visit your baby in the ICU as many times possible to feed breast milk if it can be fed through the mouth. Hospitals have visitors lounges for families to spend time with babies in NICU.